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愚人轉貼網路資訊: 網路行銷實戰團體工作坊台北12班開放報名中!

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退休師樂做有機農 不怕被笑傻

中央社 更新日期:2011/10/08 11:09

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掃到颱風尾 陳瑞仁:確有耕作 一切合法

中時 更新日期:2011/10/06 05:30 李坤建、陳權欣/新竹報導

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愚人 100.10.3 (一) 黃慶國申請加入: " 台灣農業跨領域發展協會 

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Hero of the Environment 2009 2009時代雜誌最具影響力人物
Thomas Harttung is the chairman of ICROFS - The International Centre for Research in Organic Food Systems – a transdisciplinary and transinstitutional initiative -which identifies and coordinates organic research agendas worldwide - based on the 10 successful years of DARCOF. He is an organic farmer since 1995 - and the co-founder and chairman of AARSTIDERNE.COM- an organic food company which grows and delivers organic vegetables, fruit, meat and a range of dry goods to the doorstep of more than 50.000 households across Denmark, Sweden and Northern Germany. Thomas Harttung is also the founder of Green Carbon and Black Carbon, which address the complex interface between environmental sustainability, food security and climate change. In 2009 Thomas Harttung was acknowledged as a “hero of the environment” by TIME Magazine.

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哈密瓜受細菌污染 全美爆發疫情

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農民集體炒股 打造首富村傳奇

天下雜誌 更新日期:2011/09/27 16:33 文/蕭富元

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全球首輛 3D列印車亮相 省油環保 2014量產 賣150萬元

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