101.03.01(四) 法國獨立報記者 Pierrick Bourgault 先生來訪愚人農場


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Dear Pierrick Bourgault

Thinks for  your visit our farm " The Foolish Farm"


It`s my father feed with chicken 


Hope you have a great trip in Taiwan


Jason Huang


by the way this is our farm`s blog

we upload lots of photos

you can find photos there

--- 12/3/8 (四),Pierrick Bourgault 寫道:

寄件者: Pierrick Bourgault
主旨: Photos of Your Foolish Farm
收件者: adjssprm@yahoo.com.tw
日期: 2012年3月8日,四,上午8:09

Dear M. Michael Huang and M. Jason Huang,

it was a great pleasure to meet you in your Foolish Farm.

Thanks for the time you spend with us and the tasting of high quality chicken.

Could you send me some pictures of these chickens and you ?


best regards
Pierrick Bourgault
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